Terminally ill cancer patients often suffer from debilitating symptoms. One of the main goals of Ganga Prem Hospice will be to control these symptoms so patients may enjoy the highest possible quality of life in their last days.
Symptoms include:
1. Pain
Pain occurs in up to 75 % of patients with advanced cancer. Many suffer from constant pain, which must be treated with analgesics at regular intervals. Pain is influenced by physical, emotional, social and spiritual factors. Despite scientific progress, it continues to be chronically under-treated. Drugs such as morphine are important, but complementary techniques of pain management such as homeopathy, relaxation techniques, aromatherapy and hypnotherapy can also be useful.
2. Gastrointestinal Symptoms
A dry, sore mouth, poor appetite, nausea and constipation are common for patients with advanced cancer. Many patients find the symptom of unrelenting nausea more disabling than pain.
3) Respiratory Symptoms
Up to 70 % of cancer patients experience breathlessness in the last six weeks of life. Three of the commonest respiratory symptoms are breathlessness, coughing and haemoptysis (blood in the sputum).
4) Complications of Cancer
Metastatic or advanced cancer may cause complications which profoundly affect a patient’s functional ability and quality of life. They require urgent intervention. Prompt diagnosis and referral allows rapid treatment of symptoms and may prevent loss of function and independence.
5) Others
a) Open, foul smelling wounds of cancer that need regular dressing.
b) Symptoms requiring various tubes and bags such as tracheotomy tube, feeding tube, colostomy and urinary bag, which need expert care of health professionals.
c) Children also face pain, and problems related to feeding and breathing.
d) Neurological difficulties are also common
At Ganga Prem Hospice the staff will do their best to provide relief from symptoms for all hospice patients, adults as well as children, and will consult medical specialists to manage intractable symptoms.