Industry and factory workers benefit from GPH-RGCIRC cancer screening service

Empowering communities: twin cancer screening and awareness camps

The Ganga Prem Hospice and the Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute Research Centre health care teams collectively screened 312 individuals over two days for oral and gynaecological cancers in the industrial hubs of Uttarakhand. The team reached out to factory workers at their places of work and offered them the convenience of an essential health check-up at no cost to them and causing them no loss of worktime. The approach has encouraged many industries to welcome cancer screening initiatives at their factories and establishments.

Talk at factory

April 9, 2024:
The GPH and RGCIRC teams reached the AKUMS Pure and Cure Unit in SIDCUL, Haridwar, and held an oral and breast and cervix cancer awareness talk at the centre with ENT specialist Dr Dhriti Dhawan and gynaecologist Dr Aishwarya Vinod. This was followed by cancer screening and consultation which benefited 201 employees of the generic pharmaceutical formulations company.

April 10, 2024:
The teams travelled 65 kilometres to Selaqui in Dehradun to E-pack Durables Pvt Ltd where 111 of their workers and employees were screened. Storekeepers, transport drivers, pressing machine and assembly line workers, masons, maintenance workers and housekeepers, as well as executives and management personnel benefitted from the screening and vitals check. Twenty-one women also came ahead for getting screened for cancer.

industry camp